It is imperative that we conserve out water resources! I could not agree more with what the Editorial Board is saying here (Conserve Water), I just don't know why it took so long for us to go to Stage 2 water restrictions. As I stated in my last post and my class presentation, if we conserve water the only people who will have to pay more are the ones who abuse and waste it.
Before the city of Austin went into Stage 2 water restrictions, there were less than 100 fines written or warnings cited. Since September 6th, when Stage 2 began, there have been 675 water waste complaints received. I am not sure how many fines that adds up to, but at least people are reporting those who are abusing this finite resource. Contrary to a lot of popular belief CONSERVATION does work! All we have to do is get the word out and hold people accountable for their actions. For example, and I am not saying we can do this, but in the military when water is becoming low in supply they will mandate water hours. Water hours is a simple way of conserving water. You shower during your allotted time, maybe once a week, and you only use water for drinking and cooking.
I would not expect Austin to do anything that drastic but just look at how much water we saved in the first week of stage 2 restrictions, over 100 million less gallons of water were used in the very first week alone. I agree with this writer, if your make conservation a daily habit, it will eventually become routine. Check out the article for yourself. The link is just below.
1 comment:
Water Conservation in Austin
One of my classroom colleagues has written a piece:
CONSERVE WATER AUSTIN...Why wait so long? the connecting link is
I would like to start by stating that I can feel the personal concern from the writer on this piece and it comes across as a very important topic to the writer and Austin. I can totally agree that it is important that we conserve our water resources! The source of information came from the Editorial Board of the Austin Statesman (Conserve Water). Information on how many day Texas and the surrounding areas have gone with out water, may have added fuel to the argument of conserving and and driven home the need to implement stage 2 water restriction sooner. Good information on the number of fines before stage 2 went into effect and providing dates. The passion which drives this piece also makes it an interesting read. Providing a reliable example is a plus and clearly stating that it is just that an example. Identifying that it may not work for the whole of earth's population and stating that it's something that is practice to a degree is key. Pointing out the benefits and saving for our water resource. I quote "making conservation a daily habit, it eventually become routine". Adding the number of continuous draught day might have been nice, and connecting it to the firers in Bastrop, TX, drives the message and awareness home.
Posted by Sabrina A. Cooper at 10:52 AM 0 comments
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